Well, its been a couple of weeks since book launch day and I am overwhelmed by the positive response I have received!!

The reviews on Austin Macauley and Amazon have been better than I have ever imagined! But, the best achievement has been the amount of people that have shared their stories with me  on mental health issues and how they have suffered.

Let me share with you some:

‘Ive known Sam for many years or at least I thought that I had. As is often the case, we only see the person that they present as, whilst being completely unaware of how that person really feels deep down. The poems written in this book clearly come from a very deep emotional place. Anybody who has experienced poor mental health or had to go through something that was traumatic in life for them will easily be able to relate to the feelings and emotions that are so accurately described in this book of poems. I hope that for anyone who takes the time to read it, that the sun starts to break through those dark clouds for you..

‘People talk about depression & mental health, but unless you suffer from it yourself you never really no how a person is feeling & how it effects them, especially as people are able to put on another face & you would have no idea about what a struggle it has been just for them to get out of bed. Reading these poems have been a real eye opener for me, these are fantastic poems & certainly given me a better understanding of how somebody is feeling deep down. A brilliant little read which I have read over many times & would highly recommend!

This book is absolutely amazing. The poems are absolutely from the heart and you can feel it. Well done Sam, you are so brave, thank you for sharing

This has inspired me to continue with my writing,  maybe not about depression but something else, I have no idea where this path will take me but I now know that I can achieve what I once thought was the impossible, that people are reading what I have composed and like it and  that’s a fact!

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