Well, today is finally here. I sit in my office, its another day where I should be online as a Health & Safety Co-ordinator but I cant think of anything else other then my book and the fact I have given others an insight into a part of me I had chosen to keep to myself!
Many questions I go over in my head, “Will I be ridiculed”, “Will they think I am mad?”
“Will people judge me differently and not the Sam they already know and often refer to as “The one that makes us laugh, the scatty cow”! A label I’m quite fond of, if I’m truthful!
My hope is that I highlight the constant fight many people have with depression, people that go about their day hiding behind a smile, laughing and just generally desperate to hide the truth from others. And get the message out there that its okay to not feel ‘well’ and that there is always a way out, a way to ease your head!
Mine, is writing, my counsellor, my listening ear.. therefore my book was born.
A title I feel for me is so apt, as many days it seemed there was always a cloud of unhappiness stopping me from enjoying the rays of life!
Someone once said to me “The clouds are needed to stop us burning”. I know now that is so very true.
With a smile on my face but still anticipation, I FEEL PROUD !!

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